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Friday, December 10, 2010

Changing Desktop


Changing Desktop (Background / Wallpaper):

Wallpaper is the background area of the Desktop. Any Pattern of picture that can be stored as a bitmap (.bmp) or, in .jpg /.jpeg/gif etc…. files can be set as a screen back ground.

  1. Click the right mouse Button anywhere inside the blank area of the Desktop.
  2. Click on properties.


  1. Click on start button.
  2. Choose setting.
  3. Click on control panel.
  4. Then, give double click on Display icon.

Then Display properties dialog box with different folders will appears.

  1. Choose Background folder –in case of windows ’00 and choose Desktop folder –in case of Windows’XP (if other folder exit) from properties dialog box.

6. Click on up or down arrow of Background and choose required wallpaper by viewing its sample.

7. Also choose required Display type (Tile/Center/Stretch).

8. Click on Apply.

9. Click on OK.

NOTE ( You can also select the required image(picture) as Wallpaper by clicking on browse button and choosing required one.