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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

History Of Computer

The history of computer starts 4000 years ago. History of computer means the gradual change in the concept over a long period of time. Around fifth century, Hindu philosophers developed a new method of counting from 0 to 9. Counting the numbers from 0to 9can be performed with the help of fingers. The development of counting started from the development simple counting device called ABACUS.

It is the early counting and calculating device that was developed by the chines people.The ABACUS was first used for computations in 3000B.C.
Napier's bones:
in 1614 A.D Scottish mathematician john mapiaer discovered the concept of logarithms. in1617A.D he constructed a set of rods called Napier bones fording mathematical calculation easily.
Analytical Engine Computer:
It was also developed by Charles Babbage in 1830s. it consisted of the input unit for taking data and instructions mill for performance calculation memory (punched card) with a suitable out put device that was used in vivaing the final result. It was designed to calculate up to 20 decimal places. the same principle of analytical engine is used in the modern computer. So he is called as the father of modern computer using the principles of Charles Babbage about 100 year's later mark-i was developed by ha ward Aiken in 1937.

Universal Accounting Computer:

john mauchly and eckert founded their won in 1946 and began to work on the universal automatic computer (UNI VAC):general-purpose commercally computer in 1951. It was the first commercially used electronic computer in the world.

- In 1977 steve wozniak and Steve jobs establish the company apple computers .
-in 1984 apple introduces the Macintosh the first widely available computer with "user-friendly graphical interface using icons windows and a mouse device.
-In1989 Microsoft corporation introduces windows for IBM computers.

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