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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Change Screen Saver

Change Screen Saver

  1. Choose screen saver folder from display properties dialog box.
  2. Click on dropdown arrow of screen saver and choose required one.
  3. Click on setting button to set the special effect to the selected screen saver.
  4. Also define required waiting time for screen saver.
  5. Click on preview button to view its sample.
  6. Click on Apply.
  7. Click on OK

Note1. You can also define the required setting for standby, turn off monitor and Turn off Hard disk by using the settings (power) button of Energy saving features of Monitor.

Note2. Put the tick mark on (Ron resume, password protected ) option in windows’XP to lock the computer with screen saver.

Changing Appearance Of The Screen

Changing Appearance Of The Screen

This option used to change the appearance (color, Front and size) of any viewable items inside the computer screen.

  1. Choose Appearance folder from display proprieties dialog box.

  2. Click on dropdown arrow of scheme (color scheme) and choose required one by viewing it’s sample. It helps to change overall screen color.

  3. But, if you want to change the color, front and front size of individual items then direct click on dropdown arrow of items ( Windows’00) and choose required item. But, in case of windows’XP, first click on advance button.

  4. After then, choose required items and click on dropdown arrow of color, front and front size and then required one.

  5. Click on OK.

  6. Click on apply.

  7. Click on OK.

(NOTE: To change into it’s default (standard ) setting, click on dropdown arrow of scheme (color scheme) and choose Windows Standard (Windows Classic).

Display Changing Setting

Changing Setting

With the help this option, you can change the different color level of the system and also set less or moor screen area (Screen Resolution).

1. Choose setting folder from Display properties dialog box.

2. Click on down arrow of color and choose required color (256 color, 16 bit, 32 bit etc).

3. In case of Desktop area, click on moving arrow and drag it up to less or moor position as your requirement.

(NOTE: 800 by 600 pixels is the standard resolution value for all types of computer program,

4. Click on apply.

5. Click on OK.

6. Click on yes.

7. Again, click on OK.